Mashed Up: Playlist and Potatoes

I was trying to be super clever when coming up with a theme for my Thanksgiving morning spin class, but it’s hard to think of songs that relate to eating, turkey, and food comas. So I stretched it a liiitttlleeee far and came up with a Mashed Up ride… sort of like mashed potatoes.. but only playing mashups… like the music… get it? SO CLEVER. It should be noted that Meredith taught before me, and her theme was songs that made her thankful. At first, I found this extremely touching and sentimental. And then someone asked her why R. Kelly’s “Ignition” made her thankful, and she said “You know, it’s like you’re turning on the key to your stomach. Revving up for a big meal. Stick that key in the ignition!”.

And then I realized that my theme wasn’t so much of a stretch after all.

After class, I came home to put on big girl clothes and went out to a late lunch/early dinner with my boyfriend’s family at the Bristol Lounge. It was weird not being at home on Thanksgiving, but it was pretty nice to not have to clean up after. This place was swanky and the food was delicious. My only regret was that I couldn’t put on sweatpants before getting seconds.

Yes, there was a dessert buffet. My downfall. I did sample the goods, but I was pretty proud of myself for not being a TOTAL pig. I was definitely full after, but I didn’t stuff myself to the extent that I normally do at home. I guess not having the sweatpants turned out to be a good thing… After dinner, we took a stroll in the Public Gardens to burn off about 2 bites of our meal. It was so nice out, but homegirl is not used to walking in heels anymore…

That’s a weird picture of me. My hips look big. Those hips don’t lie, but I’m pretending they do! The rest of the weekend was spent with Tom’s family around the Boston area and down the Cape. I’m happy to be back on track and in my routine this week but am DREADING my upcoming sugar detox. Gahh!

How was everyone’s turkey days? Did you splurge or stay true to being healthy? Yes, I know it was almost a week ago. Just thought I’d let all the craziness die down before bombarding you again with Thanksgiving shiz 🙂


Thankful/Food Rant

I had this whole post planned on how I was going to be sappy and talk about everything that I’m thankful for, but then I decided to go on a food rant instead. I’ll get to the sappy stuff later!

I read this post, “Nutrition is Science” this morning from my good friend Rachele over at Strong Process. It’s worth reading the whole thing because she is a genius, but the last section stuck with me the most:

“If you’re confused about what to eat, it’s not because science is confused. It’s because the people interpreting and blaring the messages are confused. It’s because the food industry wants you to be confused so they can continue to sell you crap-in-a-box. It’s because celebrities and their know-nothing trainers are trying to get you to pay attention to them. It’s because fill-in-the-blank “expert” wants to make a million dollars on a book touting an amazing new diet where you eat only snozzberries juiced carefully into mystical water from a secret spring in Asia (I made that up, it doesn’t really exist…yet).  

Don’t be confused. Nutrition IS science, but it really isn’t that complicated when it comes to what you put in your mouth. Put REAL food on your Thanksgiving table and be grateful for how biologically equipped your body is to make use of it. Then, based on the laws of physics, you probably can’t actually burn all the calories you will consume (~4500kcal), so you should probably plan to go for a run…

So, this Thanksgiving, do yourself a favor. Don’t buy into the whole gluttony thing. I’m not saying don’t splurge and have some mashed potatoes and stuffing and pumpkin pie, I’m talking portion control. There is NO need to load your plate up so much that you can’t see the actual plate, or go back for seconds (unless it’s dessert.. kidding! Or am I…?) Take small, itty bitty portions of everything. This way, you can sample everything without feeling deprived, and I imagine that your plate will fill up pretty quick.

Don’t use the holidays as an excuse to hop off the bandwagon. We have more than a month to go until Christmas. Are you really going to constantly be saying “oh well it’s the holidays” so you can eat like crap? Do you really bust your ass ALL year long just to let it go to waste and then make another New Year’s Resolution to lose weight or get healthy? Come on, people. Remember, EVERYTHING is a choice. No one is forcing you to go to holiday parties and stuff your face with cookies and eggnog. No one is forcing you to eat 4500 calories on Thanksgiving. Like Rachele said, the messaging is telling you to do that. The messaging of the media and the tradition of the holidays. I say, start a new tradition. So many of you are already on a path to better health and happiness. Your lifestyle has changed. So break the mold. Go for a run or go teach a spin class this morning (check). Grab your family and go for a walk after dinner (double check).

Ready for the sappy part? It’s not really even a sappy part, since I’m clearly not in a sappy mood, but I want you (and me) to remember the true meaning of Thanksgiving today. It’s not about stuffing our faces, or stressing about the holidays and materialism and fitting into our pants the next day. It’s about surrounding yourself with people you love and care about, and letting them know how thankful you are for having them in your life. No matter what if you’re vegan, Paleo, vegetarian, raw-dieter, food always has a way of bringing people together, so embrace spending time with your loved ones today. And embrace and be thankful for YOU. We often take it for granted how lucky we are. That we’re some of the few that are dedicating ourselves to live a long, healthy live. That we appreciate and cherish our bodies and our minds. That we even have food on our tables to be sharing with our families and friends. Seriously. This sounds so corny, but it’s true. Sometimes it hits me really hard how lucky I am- not just with my health, but with my family, my friends, my boyfriend, my new career… We get so caught up in our own little bubbles that we forget to see the big picture sometimes, and forget how fortunate we really are.

I just realized that I didn’t have a picture in this post, so here’s one of the people in my life I’m most thankful for.

What are YOU thankful for today?


Words of Wisdom

Today is my last day of work. One of my closest friends and co-workers made me a card with this quote on the front, and thought it was only fitting to share it with all of you out there who have/are experiencing the same thing as me…

And then another one just sent me this…

And now I’m off. Shutting down the computer to corporate world. I’m heading to DC for the weekend with my boyfriend and some friends for a weekend of celebration and relaxation, then it’s off to the new gig next week. Normal blogging will resume then, I promise!!

Have an AWESOME weekend




CrossFit Hottie of the Week

We’re continuing to rep the ladies this week (don’t worry- there’s man candy coming soon) with the incredible Lindsey Johnson of Reebok CrossFit One. You may remember me mentioning Lindsey in my post last month– she was the one who pushed me through that workout I kept telling myself I wasn’t going to do. Yeah, she’s pretty badass. I’ve only had a few WODs with her, but she is one motivating machine. And she loves chocolate, and tequila. So that also means she’s wicked smart.

Name: Lindsey Johnson
Stats (height, weight, age): 5’10, 155, 32
Hometown: South Kingstown, RI
Nickname: LJ
Heartbreaker Status (married, single, engaged): Single
Been CrossFitting since: 2008
Favorite WOD: I really don’t have one, I like them all!
Favorite CrossFit Hottie: So many… so little time.
I eat… I try to eat paleo, but have very little self control!
I like… To do anything creative
I love… My job, my friends are everything to me, and my family.
My friends would describe me as… Outgoing, confident, “and pretty much the coolest person ever” -Joe Masley
My guilty pleasure is… Chocolate, chocolate and maybe some tequilla.
I CrossFit and coach because… I get to change lives every day, make someone better in and out of the gym.  Whether it’s physically or emotionally. It’s amazing to see what we can do with a few workouts.
Most embarrassing moment at the gym: Honestly can’t think of one, I know it sounds lame… but I can’t.
Biggest accomplishment at the gym:  Getting my job here at Reebok CrossFit ONE
Personal style outside of spandex,sports bras and high socks: No high socks for me… kind of hippie, anything from Free People and Anthropologie
When I’m not at the gym, I’m…. On the beach/Paddleboarding
Something people would be surprised to know about you: I love to sing, but have terrible stage fright.


We’re only week 2 into the CrossFit Hotties and are definitely looking to feature more, so let us know if you’d like to nominate someone! Or yourself. We’re cool with that.



I just tweeted this, but am posting it here as well because this needs to be viewed by as many people as possible. Seriously, most inspiring story I’ve ever seen/heard. This kid is SO young. Can you imagine if we all had this attitude? This selflessness, and willing to devote so much time and effort to the well being of others? To people that you love? So incredible. Stop what you’re doing now and take 10 minutes to watch this.


{Intention}: Not Taking Anything for Granted

I love having Erica back on the blog. She’s way funnier than I am, and sassier. And is infinitely better at Crossfit, and life. We have a fun workout date/eating session planned for next weekend, and might even make our first VLOG, so get ready for some awkwardness!

On a more serious note. It was hard to go through yesterday without constantly thinking about the victims lost in 9/11 (unless, of course, you were NBC and decided that Kris Jenner’s breast implants were a more newsworthy topic). All day long, I just kept thinking about how everything can change in a split second. You never know what’s going to happen, and can’t predict for these types of things. Whether it be a horrible, massive terrorist attack, getting rear ended leaving a parking lot, getting fired- shit happens.

I’m a self proclaimed anxiety basketcase. I always assume that the worst is going to happen at any given second. Getting on a plane? Definitely going to crash. Boyfriend is going out drinking? He’s definitely going to choke on his vomit when he’s sleeping. I’m babysitting? The baby is definitely going to fall on their head. I know. I’m crazy. If you didn’t know that by now, now you do. But, I’ve gotten  A LOT better with dealing with my anxieties and my stresses lately. I think I can attribute a lot of this to working out constantly, and releasing tons of energy and built up tension on a spin bike or during a WOD.

Another huge thing that has helped me get over my anxieties is just realizing that I can’t control what happens. You never can. So what if my plane crashes? What can I do about it? Realistically, it’s NOT going to crash and in the .00000001% chance that it does, there’s nothing I can do about it. So why stress yourself out? It’s not worth it to waste any ounce of energy worrying about that kinda stuff.

I taught spin last night, and in honor of 9/11, my intention for the night was to take advantage of being there. How lucky are we to be able to exercise and release all this energy and just BE ALIVE? It sounds silly and kind of cliche, but every day could be your last. I’m not saying to go out and go sky diving every day, but make the most of it. Whether it be on the spin bike, or in your job, or in your relationships. Do everything to the best of your ability. Don’t get hung up on the small stuff.Don’t waste any time. Don’t slack off. Don’t take advantage of anything. Don’t take ANYTHING for granted. Your health, your body, your loved ones. Appreciate everything. Every single day. It’s sad that events like 9/11 have to remind us to do this. Something like 9/11 could happen again tomorrow (I pray that it doesn’t) but we just never know.

Played this for the warm up. Gotta hear it for New York.

Also played “Power” by Kanye. I love this song because it gets me pumped and it’s a great hill, but the lyrics are actually really amazing (minus him swearing every other word) and especially thought the ending lyrics were very powerful:

Now this’ll be a beautiful death
I’m jumping out the window
I’m letting everything go
I’m letting everything go
You got the power to let power go flow

Intention for today and for always- don’t take anything for granted.


The Good Ol’ 5:00AM Mental Struggle

After all my big talk about “no excuses” the past few weeks, I found myself coming up with a million excuses as to why I shouldn’t go to CrossFit this morning. Let me walk you through my little internal struggle from the past 24 hours:

8:30PM– My leg is still bugging me from spin this morning. I think I pulled a muscle. Let me check the WOD for tomorrow and see if it’s do-able.

8:35PM– Wall balls, handstand pushups, and power cleans. Sounds miserable, but at least it’s not a ton of lower body. I’ll be fine. (chugs Advil)

10:00PM– Going to bed. My leg still kinda hurts. Maybe I won’t go in the morning. I’ll set my alarm for 5:45 just in case.

4:50AM– Wake up to go pee, less than an hour before my alarm goes off. Kind of enough time to fall back asleep, but not quite. Will I be sluggish? Should I turn off my alarm and skip it? My leg doesn’t hurt anymore. Is it raining out? Damn you stupid bladder.


5:45AM– Alarm goes off. I guess I did fall back asleep. Peel myself away from my new roommate (boyfriend) all snuggled up and cozy. Bastard gets to sleep for 2 more hours.

5:47AM– It’s raining out. It’s dark out. Bed is comfortable. Boyfriend is still sleeping. I should just skip it. Should I skip it? I think of how mad I’ll be at myself later on if I stay in bed and say “fuck it” and jump into my already laid out workout gear.

6:00AM– Drag myself out to my car. 100% humidity and already 80 degrees. And it’s dark. Almost hit a car as I back out of my driveway. Become disgruntled as the radio tells me there’s traffic on 93S. Should I just turn around? Clearly this WOD is not meant to be..

6:23AM– Traffic lady LIED to me as I made it to Reebok in record time. I do some stretching and check out the WOD for the day:

6:33AM– As we start warming up, I tell myself there is no way in HELL I’m doing 30 rounds, or handstand pushups, and decide that I will do the Level One option instead (15 rounds, modified pushups)

6:47AMLindsey tells me to give the handstand pushups a shot using a box. I agree.

6:50AM– The workout begins. After the first few rounds and correcting my form/getting into a groove, I decided it wasn’t so bad.

7:05AM– I get to 15 rounds, and am absolutely drenched in sweat, but look around the room and see everyone still going at it. I decide I will look like a total wuss if I stop now, so I tell myself I will go 5 more rounds, and switch to straight pushups.

7:10AM– I finish the next 5 rounds just as Lindsey comes over to correct my form on my power clean. I tell her I’m done, that I did 20 (I feel like I’m going to die at this point). She gives me an “okay, cool” look that wasn’t as rewarding as I was hoping. I was hoping she’d be like “OMG YOU ARE THE GREATEST CROSSFITTER TO EVER LIVE and you should definitely stop now”. She wasn’t demeaning or disapproving at all, but there was something in her eyes that told me I could keep going.

7:11AM– Okay, 5 more rounds. I’ll get to 25.

7:15AM– 25 rounds done. Most people are finishing up at this point, but I’ll be damned if I get to 25 and am not going to push myself to get to 30.

7:20AM– I finish the 30 rounds and walk away feeling like I really accomplished something. And I did. More than the physical intensity of the workout, I was more proud that I got over my mental battle and pushed myself to do something that I didn’t think I was capable of doing- something that I almost didn’t even get out of bed to do. The workout was super intense and I definitely struggled through parts of it, but there is something SO motivating about CrossFit. I know this isn’t news to anyone who has been doing CrossFit for awhile, but if it weren’t for the people surrounding me, I probably would have stopped at 15. You look around and see everyone busting ass, pushing themselves past their limits, encouraging each other, helping each other out, sweat pouring, music blaring, endorphins flying out of control… it’s pretty damn inspiring to say the least.

7:45AM– As I get into my car on the drive home, still dripping in sweat and sitting in my own swass (attractive), I bask in that amazing post workout bliss. I imagine that I look like a fitness model with a nice glow and misty skin, just finishing up a casual run on the beach. (Realistically, I am sitting in traffic driving through Mattapan, looking like a hot mess and the humidity is not helping my cause). My body is tired but mentally I’m alert and energized. I give myself a pat on my sweaty back.

8:15AM– I arrive back at my apartment and wake up my boyfriend, who is groggy and slept through his alarm… and I’m pretty f-ing happy that I didn’t sleep in.

What gets YOU out of bed in the morning?



At HLS, when everyone was asking how long I’d been blogging, I realized that Erica and I started this blog last June. Which means we went Paleo last June. Which means we’ve been Paleo for over a year. WOAH. Crazy. So I’ve been thinking  a lot about my “journey” and where I was at last year vs where I am today and how Paleo has changed my life. I’ve never really sat down and wrote about it, but am going to today. It won’t be super exciting, it will most likely turn into a ramble (shocking) but hopefully it will inspire you in some way shape or form if you’ve been wanting to give Paleo a shot but need an extra boost. I’ve had a very positive experience with the “diet”, so here goes:

I’ve always been a healthy person. Played sports my whole life, started doing strength training and group exercise classes in high school, and grew up in a healthy household with the world’s best chef (my mom, for real). Since I was always active, I never really limited myself when it came to eating. My metabolism has always treated me well because I treated my body well. Minus a little 10 lb weight gain sophomore year of college (I blame NYC pizza) I’ve always been happy with my body image. I’d go through phases of “eating well” which basically meant limiting my caloric intake and focusing on low fat, low calorie foods, but for the most part, I had a consistent, normal diet. And felt fine.

About 4 years ago, I was getting really bad cramps in the back of my legs and arms. My doctors couldn’t figure it out. At first, we thought it was from exercising, but I was religious about stretching, and the cramping would occur on days I didn’t go to the gym. The cramping felt like my legs were falling asleep- numbness, a little bit of tingly-ness (not a word, whatever) and the only way to get rid of them was by downing Advil. Obviously, I did not want to make this a habit, but the cramps kept coming on. After lots of blood work and tests, my doctors suggested that I start tracking when the cramps came on. I did, and noted that it was occurring after large meals, such as pizza, pasta, sandwiches, dessert. All of my favorite things. GREAT. I almost wanted to keep it a secret, because I knew my doctor would tell me to stop eating those things!! Anyways, tested for celiac, dairy allergy, diabetes, and got nada. Well f me.

It was around this time that Erica started CrossFit, and was doing this crazy thing called the Paleo Diet. I literally would avoid talking to her on Gchat because all she would talk about was how great she felt and how Paleo was soo awesome and how she didn’t miss bread at all and STFU Erica! (Just kidding, love you!)

She told me I should try it. I told her she was crazy. There was NO way I was giving up pasta and sandwiches. I mean, the whole concept of just “eat real food” made sense to me… but it just sounded so… inconvenient. And no sandwiches? How inhumane!! But, turns out Erica is pretty persistent and I’m pretty stubborn and didn’t want to be proven wrong, so I told her I would do it for 7 days, and that was it. 7 days only.

Sooo.. 7 days… 1 year.. same thing.

How did it happen? I remember that night, after she convinced me to try it, I went out to sushi with my dad and brother. I got a salad and a roll wrapped in cucumber (no rice). I remember how shocked I was that I didn’t feel bloated and like I had a food baby living in my stomach after I ate. I felt… good. I didn’t want to feel good. I wanted to be pissed that I was missing out on carbs and delicious white rice that would stick in my belly for days. I remember sleeping like a rock that night. “Alright.. maybe this won’t be so bad. Maybe Erica is onto something here..” The rest of the week (I was still living at home) my mom was a rockstar (she always is) and made dinners that were all Paleo friendly and packed me lettuce wraps instead of sandwiches to bring to work (yes, when I was living at home my mom packed me lunch and drove me to the train in the morning. Yes, it ruled. Why did I move out again??)

Anyways, after just 3 days of going Paleo, I felt so different. I wasn’t bloated after I ate, I was sleeping like a rock at night, I had more energy throughout the day, I was waking up before my 5AM alarm, AND my legs weren’t cramping up. It was kind of a no brainer from there. Why wouldn’t I continue to eat this way? Why would I not want to feel this good all the time?

After the 7 days were up, I was convinced. I decided I would stick with it, for however long I felt like it. It was definitely a transition. I didn’t go hardcore Paleo on Day One. I still had dairy in the forms of Greek yogurt and cheese, and I didn’t realize until about 2 months in, after I read The Paleo Solution, that I wasn’t supposed to be eating corn or beans (whoops!). But cutting out the processed food, grains and gluten made a huge difference for me. In addition to not getting cramps and numbness after eating, I lost the 5 pesky pounds that I could never seem to get rid of (FYI I wasn’t trying to lose weight- it just happened). I FINALLY saw definition in my stomach. After years of doing crunches and ab classes, I realized the whole “diet and exercise” connection. I lost that little extra layer that had been surrounded my muscles and hard work at the gym for years.

This picture is totally unrelated to everything in this post. Just realized I didn’t have a picture to go along with it. I guess it sort of emphasizes how I feel after I eat gluten. My stomach just rips through my clothes. Sidenote- they NEED to bring this bathing suit style back. Bring it BACK!

Last August, when I moved out of the nest and into my own apartment in Boston, I had a new challenge- cooking. I’d never really cooked before since my mom is an incredible cook and always took care of that at home, and in NYC my kitchen was the size of my big toe so I was never really motivated to cook, especially since my schedule was so nutty and it was just easier to order out. Once I moved into my own place with a normal sized kitchen and appliances, PaleOMG became a part of my daily life. Seriously. I related so well to Juli and her sense of humor, and she made everything about Paleo seem so realistic. To boot, all of her recipes were really easy to make, and I found myself looking forward to going to the grocery store after work and cooking dinner at night. And, I discovered that there were such things as Paleo desserts. SCORE.

So here I am, a year later, still alive to tell the tale (unlike many of my caveman ancestors…). The main reason I’ve stuck with Paleo is that it makes me feel good.  Everyone is different. Maybe being a vegetarian makes you feel awesome. Maybe being vegan makes you feel great (and make me think you’re crazy.. just kidding!). It’s all about what finding what works for you. I’ve had friends try Paleo for 30 days and literally felt no difference. I’ve had friends try it who have loved it and are now also following the way of eating. For me, eating lots of protein, fruit, vegetables, nuts, fats, and occasional dairy (and chocolate…maybe that’s more than occasional…) works for me. I understand there are benefits of eating grains and certain starches. They just don’t make me feel good, so I don’t eat them. I don’t eat this way to please anyone else or prove myself to anyone else- I do it for completely selfish reasons. I do it for me.

I’ve learned some huge lessons from going Paleo. I’ve learned about taking better care of my body, and seeing what foods have affects on me. I’ve learned about properly fueling myself before and after a workout so I can maximize my time and efforts on the bike or in the gym. I’ve learned the importance of getting 8 hours of sleep at night. I’ve learned how to COOK! I’ve learned how to make smart decisions when food shopping or eating at restaurants. I’ve learned the importance of checking ingredients, and not calories (seriously, I eat WAY more on Paleo than I ever did before.. and weigh less, and have a lower body fat percentage). I’ve learned that if I want to splurge on a piece of chocolate cake after dinner, that I’ll be holed up on my couch for the rest of the night. I’ve learned that I have more confidence in my body and how I look than ever before- and it’s because I take care of it and eat well and work hard. And I feel great. At this point, 1 year will probably turn into 2.. and then 3.. and then who knows!

I could probably continue gushing about Paleo for days, but I’ll leave it at that. Erica will be giving her recap on her experience at some point this week or next week. How about you guys? Who introduced you to Paleo? Anyone out there debating trying it, but have qualms about it? Would love to hear your stories and experiences!
